Solid Advice For Dealing With Acid Reflux Disease
Are you an acid reflux? You might not even be aware that you have it. Acid reflux can actually cause lumps in your throat, as well as a bloated feeling, a lump in your throat and more. Read this article to prevent the start of these things from happening to you. Some foods may trigger the effects of acid reflux. Caffeine based foods, chocolate, fried items and alcohol can all be acid reflux triggers.Acidic items like citrus fruits and tomatoes also exacerbate acid reflux. The triggers are different with everyone, meaning that you'll have to learn from experience which ones cause discomfort and which do not. Just avoid these foods to be safe. Slippery elm is a supplement which can help to thicken the mucous lining layer of the stomach lining. This thickening process protects your stomach from all the acid within. Many people take a tablespoon or two in some water after they've eaten and prior to bed for the most relief. Do not lay down after you finish with a problem for y